Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I've been thinking a lot about me getting sick.  I have so much love and support I'm surprised since I've done nothing to deserve it.  I'm never alone I always have help anytime I ask for it.  But I am alone too, no one could possibly understand what I felt or went through.
I remember laying in bed dreaming that there was someone else there and when I got sick or in pain I'd take turns with that other person feeling it.  Then I'd wake up and realize it's just me, I'm alone. No one else can do this for me I have to be stronger.  Now I don't think I picked up any extra personalities but I did realize one thing. Someone else does know what I felt. He knows when I'm worried, sad, afraid of dying, he knew everything I went through and probably did take turns with me feeling the pain.
I had my Palm read once and there is a break in my life line and my fate line. When I asked what that meant he said something big will happen to you that will change the way you live.  Maybe this is it. Maybe I will learn better to accept help and live worthy of help. Maybe I'll be able to pay it all forward and return a fraction of the love people have shown me. Most of all maybe I'll have a better relationship with my father in heaven.


  1. Maybe ur guardian angel was holding ur hand and helping u. Ill never know what u went through, but im very glad uve made it this far and ur pushing onward. Ur pretty awesome in my book.

  2. Maybe ur guardian angel was holding ur hand and helping u. Ill never know what u went through, but im very glad uve made it this far and ur pushing onward. Ur pretty awesome in my book.

  3. You'll have plenty of chances to repay kindness and support. Those are in your well-future. My perspective is that of someone who has had cancer and needed a lot of help, and then had friends and family with cancer whom I was able to help support. Believe me, everyone that's offering help right now really wants to do so, relishes the opportunity and expects nothing in return. You are SO not alone, Ruth. Stay strong.
